
Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Me and My ART

We reach a time when the function and frailty of memory becomes a preoccupation. Forgetfulness is perversely accompanied by an increased acuity of distant memories. Nostalgia becomes a way of life…..a fleeting reflection an ethereal glimpse of something familiar through the mind's eye….fragments of memory like shards of mirror…. a vision barely visible through the broken glass in the window of time.

My creative endeavours, in art and writing, continue to explore, the concepts that I have developed through my academic studies in recent years. These are concepts derived from neuro-aesthetics, the allegorical relationship between ruin, decay, the frailty and function of memory and the emotion of nostalgia.

I have a particular interest in the notion of the snapshot photograph as a metaphor for memory and the response to snapshot photographs as both an interested and disinterested observer.  

I have chosen to explore this complex relationship through poetry and the visual language of both the moving image and mixed media 2D images.

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